
Uptick partners can download Dashboard data in a JSON format. This guide provides a step-by-step overview of how to access and retrieve data through the Uptick Dashboard API.

Step 1: Generate Your Authentication Token

The first step is to generate an Authentication Token. To do this:

  1. Visit your user profile page: https://dashboard.uptick.com/user/edit .
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the API Token section.
  3. Click Generate Token.


Step 2: Copy and Secure Your Authentication Token

Once your Authentication Token is generated:

  • Copy the token displayed on the page.
  • Save it in a secure location for use in API requests.

If needed, you can regenerate the token later by returning to your profile page and selecting Regenerate Token.


Step 3: Configure Your Dashboard View

With your token ready, proceed to the Dashboard :

  1. Adjust filters and formats to display the data as you want to retrieve it via the API.
  2. Once the data view is configured to your preference, copy the URL from your browser’s address bar. This URL will serve as the base request URL for your API call.


Step 4: Request Data Through the API

To request data, combine the Dashboard URL with the required query parameters as shown below:



If your Dashboard URL is:


and your token is:


Your API request URL will be:


Response Format

The API response will include the following components:

  • summary: Aggregated totals for the data.
  • data: Individual row-level data.
  • pagination: Information on paging, including the next_page_url for retrieving subsequent data.
Example Response:
  "summary": {
    "week": null,
    "views": 28499,
    "impressions": 80959,
    "clicks": 10713,
    "ctr": 10.69,
    "actions": 1769,
    "cvr": 4.35,
    "revenue": "9229.37",
    "rpi": 0.21,
    "rpv": 0.35,
    "cpa": 44.79
  "data": [
      "week": "2025-01-13",
      "views": 17029,
      "impressions": 98448,
      "clicks": 1647,
      "ctr": 10.91,
      "actions": 938,
      "cvr": 4.33,
      "revenue": "2225.02",
      "rpi": 0.21,
      "rpv": 0.36,
      "cpa": 45.02
      "week": "2025-01-20",
      "views": 11470,
      "impressions": 82511,
      "clicks": 9066,
      "ctr": 10.45,
      "actions": 831,
      "cvr": 4.36,
      "revenue": "7004.35",
      "rpi": 0.2,
      "rpv": 0.33,
      "cpa": 44.53
  "pagination": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_pages": 2,
    "results_per_page": 25,
    "next_page_url": "https://dashboard.uptick.com/...next_url_path"

By following these steps, you can retrieve, filter, and utilize your Dashboard data seamlessly using Uptick’s API.