Uptick partners can download Dashboard data in a JSON format. This guide provides a step-by-step overview of how to access and retrieve data through the Uptick Dashboard API.
The first step is to generate an Authentication Token. To do this:
Once your Authentication Token is generated:
If needed, you can regenerate the token later by returning to your profile page and selecting Regenerate Token.
With your token ready, proceed to the Dashboard :
To request data, combine the Dashboard URL with the required query parameters as shown below:
If your Dashboard URL is:
and your token is:
Your API request URL will be:
The API response will include the following components:
for retrieving subsequent data.
{ "summary": { "week": null, "views": 28499, "impressions": 80959, "clicks": 10713, "ctr": 10.69, "actions": 1769, "cvr": 4.35, "revenue": "9229.37", "rpi": 0.21, "rpv": 0.35, "cpa": 44.79 }, "data": [ { "week": "2025-01-13", "views": 17029, "impressions": 98448, "clicks": 1647, "ctr": 10.91, "actions": 938, "cvr": 4.33, "revenue": "2225.02", "rpi": 0.21, "rpv": 0.36, "cpa": 45.02 }, { "week": "2025-01-20", "views": 11470, "impressions": 82511, "clicks": 9066, "ctr": 10.45, "actions": 831, "cvr": 4.36, "revenue": "7004.35", "rpi": 0.2, "rpv": 0.33, "cpa": 44.53 } ], "pagination": { "current_page": 1, "total_pages": 2, "results_per_page": 25, "next_page_url": "https://dashboard.uptick.com/...next_url_path" } }
By following these steps, you can retrieve, filter, and utilize your Dashboard data seamlessly using Uptick’s API.