Ensure that we can attribute purchases at the end of checkout we ask that you either place our client-side pixel on the thank you page or issue a postback to our server. Both are equally supported on our side, please choose what is most reliable for you.
If you want to use the client-side pixel, you can place this javascript on your final thank you page for the purchase.
<!-- Start Uptick Snippet --> <script> !function(e,p,t,n,a,s,i){e[n]||((a=e[n]=function(){a.process?a.process.apply(a,arguments):a.queue.push(arguments)}).queue=[],a.t=+new Date,(s=p.createElement(t)).async=1,s.src="https://app.uptick.com/e/pixel.js?t="+864e5*Math.ceil(new Date/864e5),(i=p.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]).parentNode.insertBefore(s,i))}(window,document,"script","ppxd"),ppxd("init","AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE"),ppxd("event","purchase"); </script> <!-- End Uptick Snippet -->